Gao Xingjian

Gao Xingjian
Siniaf az francaf siniavaf suterotik is lingesik

Gao Xingjian ( siniavon 高行健 ).


Gao Xingjian

Gao Xingjian

 Koblira  04/01/1940,
 Ganzhou, Sinia
 Awalkera  -
 Vedeyot  Sinia az Franca
 Ava  Siniava
 Suterind  Berpot, Wenya, Ezlopa
  • 絕對信號 (Signal Alarm / Absolute Signal, 1982)
  • 車站 (The Bus Stop, 1983)
  • 野人 (Wild Men / Wilderness Man, 1985)
  • 彼岸 (The Other Shore, 1986)
  • 躲雨 (Shelter the Rain)
  • 冥城 (Dark City)
  • 聲聲慢變奏 (Transition of Sheng-Sheng-Man)
  • 逃亡 (Fugitives / Exile, 1989)
  • 生死界 (Death Sector / Between Life and Death)
  • 山海經傳 (A Tale of Shan Hai Jing)
  • 對話與反詰 (Dialogue & Rhetorical / Dialogue and Rebuttal)
  • 週末四重奏 (Weekends Quartet / Weekend Quartet)
  • 夜游神 (Nighthawk / Nocturnal Wanderer)
  • 八月雪 (Snow in August)
  • 高行健戲劇集 (Collection)
  • 高行健喜劇六種 (Collection, 1995)
  • 行路難 (Xinglunan)
  • 喀巴拉山 (Mountain Kebala)
  • 獨白 (Soliloquy)
  • 寒夜的星辰 ("Constellation in a Cold Night", 1979)
  • 有隻鴿子叫紅唇兒 ("Such a Pigeon called Red Lips", 1984)
  • 給我老爺買魚竿 (Buying a Fishing Rod for My Grandfather, 1986–1990)
  • 靈山 (Soul Mountain, 1989)
  • 一個人的聖經 (One Man's Bible, 1999)
  Tuveli icde Suteroteem 

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