Equestria serves as the backdrop for the adventures of Twilight Sparkle, the main character of Friendship is Magic, and her friends, who are collectively referred to as the Mane Six. Equestria is shown to be located on a terrestrial planet, similar to Earth.[1] Equestria hosts many intelligent and sapient creatures, of which the majority are ponies. Equestria's foundation is described as the result of the cooperation of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies.[6]
Although shown to be generally peaceful, Equestria engages in wars with various magical and supernatural threats throughout the series. The "Bit" is the national currency of Equestria and its territories.[7] Throughout the series, Equestria is ruled by princesses.[7]
^Connelly, Sherilyn (2017). Ponyville Confidential: The History of My Little Pony, 1981-2016. Jefferson, North Carolina, United States of America: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers. ISBN9781476662091.
^ abDirected by Jason Thiessen, Screenplay by Meghan McCarthy, Starring Emily Blunt, Kristen Chenowith, Taye Diggs, Zoe Saldana, Sia, Ashleigh Ball, Tara Strong, and Tabatha St. Germain (September 24, 2017). My Little Pony: The Movie (Film). Lionsgate.