Baccano! is a light novel series written by Ryohgo Narita and illustrated by Katsumi Enami. The series, often told from multiple points of view, follows many loosely connected people brought together by immortality. The events are mostly set within a fictional United States during various time periods, most notably the Prohibition-era.
Originally, Narita entered the first novel into ASCII Media Works' ninth Dengeki Novel Prize in 2002 and the novel won the Gold Prize, placing third.[1] The first novel was released in February 2003 under ASCII Media Works' Dengeki Bunkoimprint,[2] and as of August 2016, twenty-two novels have been released.[3][4] In addition, one novel accompanied the first drama CD, released on March 31, 2006,[5][6] and two gaiden novels were released in parts with DVDs of the anime adaption, released from October 24, 2007 to May 28, 2008.[7]Daewon C.I. licensed the Korean-language release of the series in South Korea and releases the novels under their Newtype Novels imprint.[8] A Chinese-language release in Taiwan and Hong Kong is licensed by the Taiwan branch of Kadokawa Media.[9] It was announced at the 2015 Anime Expo that Yen Press will start publishing the Baccano! novels in English in 2016.[10] The English edition of the first volume, The Rolling Bootlegs, was published in May 2016.