The Nis Puk[1] (sometimes also Niß Puk[2] (German: [ˈnɪs pʊk])) is a legendary creature, a kind of Kobold, from Danish-,[1][3] Low German-[4] and North Frisian-speaking[5] areas of Northern Germany[4] and Southern Denmark,[6] among them Schleswig, today divided into the German Southern Schleswig and Danish Northern Schleswig. It is also known in Denmark itself as nis pug, as a variant of nisse.
An earlier saying says Nissen does not want to go over the Eideren, i.e. not to Holstein to the South of Schleswig.[7] Depending on the place, it can either appear as a domestic spirit or take on the role of a being generally called Drak or Kobold in Danish and German mythology, an infernal spirit making its owner wealthy by bringing them stolen goods.
The term combines the terms Nisse and Puck. The Nis Puk or Niß Puk can also be referred to as just Niß, Nis or Puk. The figure of the Nisse is widespread in Denmark, Norway, Scania, Halland and Blekinge (here as Goanisse or Godnisse≈the good Nisse),[8] the figure of the Puk can further be found in the (formerly) German-speaking regions of Pomerania[9] and Neumark,[10] belonging partially or completely to Poland today.