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JavaScript Wiki Browser is a script that allows users to make semi-automated edits more easily. For general use, it works similarly to the downloadable AutoWikiBrowser, but it requires no executable installation, and can run on all major operating systems. This script heavily borrows from AWB in design and functionality, for example using its Regex Typo Fixing and User Checkpage. To use this script, you need to be listed on the wiki's AutoWikiBrowser CheckPage (Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPageJSON on your wiki), or have administrator rights on the wiki.

If you want to contribute to this project, you can create a pull request at GitHub: Joeytje50/JWB. This repo does require manual updates from me, so some minor changes made to the live version hosted here might not be live on GitHub immediately. If that is the case, I will try to merge any useful pull requests into the code of the live version. You can also use GitHub to contribute i18n strings.

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