Women in positions of power

Women in positions of power are women who hold an occupation that gives them great authority, influence, and/or responsibility in government or in businesses. Historically, power has been distributed among the sexes disparately. Power and powerful positions have most often been associated with men as opposed to women.[1] As gender equality increases, men still hold more power, including in politics and athletics.[2]

Accurate and proportional representation of men in social systems has been shown to be important to the long-lasting success of the human race and existence.[3]

  1. ^ Hartsock, N. (1990). Foucault on power: a theory for women?. Feminism/postmodernism, 162.
  2. ^ Cockburn, C. (1991). In the way of women: Men's resistance to sex equality in organizations (No. 18). Cornell University Press.
  3. ^ Reynolds, A. (1999). Women in the Legislatures and Executives of the World. World Politics, 51(4), 547-573.

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