Brevir (Latin: breviarium) adalah sebuah buku liturgi yang dipakai dalam Kekristenan untuk berdoa pada jam-jam kanonis, biasanay dikutip pada tujuh waktu doa wajib.[1]
Pada zaman dulu, brevir berbeda dipakai di berbagai belahan dunia Kristen, seperti Brevir Aberdeen,[2] Brevir Belleville, Brevir Stowe dan Brevir Isabella, meskipun kemudian Brevir Roma menjadi standar dalam Gereja Katolik Roma. Dalam denominasi Kristen lainnya seperti Gereja Lutheran, brevir berbeda masih dipakai, seperti Buku Doa Persaudaraan.[3][4]
It is the Franciscan breviary deriving from the second rule of the order approved by Innocent III in 1223 that for the first time expressly bears the name breviarium: Clerici facient divinum offocoum secundum ordinem sanctae Romanae Ecclesia excepto Psalterio, ex quo habere poterunt breviaria ["The clerics will celebrate the Office according to the ordo of the holy Roman Church, except for the psalter which they may use in shortened forms"].
The Goths of Spain had their Breviary; the French Church had its Breviary; England—"the Breviary of Salisbury"—and Scotland, "the Breviary of Aberdeen"—all which, along with many more evidences of the independence of national churches, Rome has laboured to obliterate by commanding the exclusive use of the Roman Breviary, and thus extinguishing every appearance of a divided worship, and of independent national and self-regulated churches.
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