Negara Kristen adalah sebuah negara yang mengakui sebuah bentuk Kekristenan sebagai agama resminya dan sering memiliki sebuah gereja negara,[1] yang merupakan sebuah denominasi Kristen yang mendukung pemerintah dan didukung oleh pemerintah.[2] Dalam sejarah, negara Armenia,[3] Aksum,[4] Georgia,[5] serta Kekaisaran Romawi dan Kekaisaran Bizantium mendeklarasikan negaranya sendiri sebagai negara Kristen.[6][7] Saat ini, beberapa negara secara resmi mengidentifikasikan negaranya sendiri sebagai negara Kristen dan/atau memiliki gereja negara, yakni Kosta Rika,[8] Denmark,[9] Inggris,[10] Yunani,[11] Islandia,[12] Liechtenstein,[13] Monako,[14] Tonga,[15] Tuvalu,[16] Vatican City,[17] dan Zambia.[18] Negara Kristen kontras dengan negara sekuler,[19] negara ateis,[20] atau negara agama lainnya, seperti negara Islam.[21] is only as an established institution that the Church can fully preserve and promote Christian tradition to the nation. One cannot have a Christian state without a state Church.
Under the established church approach, the government will assist the state church and likewise the church will assist the government. Religious education is mandated by law to be taught in all schools, public or private.
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tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama YakobsonRubinstein2009
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Yet what is intriguing about this argument is that this modern secular state arises from, or is the simultaneous realisation and negation of, the Christian state.
Indeed, it is not the so-called Christian state, that one that recognizes Christianity as its basis, as the state religion, and thus adopts an exclusive attitude to other religions, that is the perfected Christian state, but rather the atheist state, the ...
Just as Christian just war theory justified the actions of the Christian state, Islamic jihad theory began with the founding of the Islamic state.