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Kriegsverdienstkreuz (1939)[*][[Kriegsverdienstkreuz (1939) (German military decoration during World War II for civilians in several classes (1939-1945))|]] Blutorden[*][[Blutorden (one of the most prestigious decorations in the Nazi Party)|]] Insigna de aur a Partidului Nazist[*] Ehrenbürger von Lübeck[*][[Ehrenbürger von Lübeck (titlee of honor awarded by the City of Lübeck, Germany)|]] (până la )
^I was the Nuremberg jailer (1st American edition)[*][[I was the Nuremberg jailer (1st American edition) (account of the Nuremberg Prison before and during the Nuremberg Trials by Colonel Burton C. Andrus, published in 1969)|]]Verificați valoarea |titlelink= (ajutor)