A plane is a perfectly flat surface extending in all directions. It can be thought of as the ceiling of a room, only extended into all directions infinitely. A plane has two dimensions: length and width. All planes are flat surfaces. If a surface is not flat, it is called a curved surface.
The tool plane can be used to create a flat, level surface like the mathematical plane—hence the name.
In geometry, a plane is made up of an infinite number of lines (or points). It has no depth. It is absolutely flat and infinitely large.[1]
A plane figure is part of a plane. It is named by the capital letters (such as A, B, C, ...X, Y, Z) that are put at its corners. Sometimes, a single capital pi is also used to refer to a plane.[2] A plane can also be named after three points that are not all on the same line.[3]
In general, two planes can be: