In recreational math, a repdigit or a monodigit[1] is a type of natural number. It is only made of the same repeated digit. The word is a portmanteau of repeated and digit. Examples can be numbers like 11, 666, 4444, and 999999. Repdigits are palindromic numbers (read the same forwards and backwards) and are multiples of repunits (a number that only has 1 in it).
Repdigits are the written in base of the number where x is the digit that is repeated (), and is how many times that number repeats. For example, the repdigit 77777 in base 10 is .
Brazilian numbers are another way of making repdigits. These are numbers that can be written as a repdigit in any base. A Brazilian Number can't be the repdigit 11 and it can't be a number with only one digit. 27 would be a Brazilian number because 27 is the repdigit 33 in base 8. 9 is not a Brazilian number because its only repdigit is 118.[2] The first twenty Brazilian numbers are