
Glej tudi Gotica (razločitev)
Gotica, Gotska minuskula
Jezikijeziki Zahodne in Severne Evrope
12. - 17. stol.
Starševski sistemi
Otroški sistemi
tekstura, rotunda, schwabacher, fraktura
ISO 15924Latf, 217
1D5041D537, z nekaj izjemami
različni videzi gotice v nemškem jeziku

Gótica (tudi gótska pisáva ali gótska minúskula) je različica latinice nastala pod vplivom gotike. Tiskana gotica se v grobih potezah ne razlikuje od latinice, podrobnosti pa so slogovno drugače izrisane. V obdobju od (približno) leta 1150 do 17. stol. so gotico uporabljali kot različico latinice po večjem delu Evrope.[1] Po letu 1500 so gotico v večjem delu Evrope opustili, še naprej pa se je pogosto uporabljala v danskem, norveškem in švedskem jeziku, do sedemdesetih letih 19. stol..[2] Med Nemci pa se je uporabljala še vse do štiridesetih let 20. stol., ko je bila leta 1941 uradno ukinjena zaradi Hitlerjevega odpora do domnevno "judovske pisave".[3] V stoletjih uporabe so se razvile različne podrazličice gotice - najbolj znana med njimi je fraktura (dobesedno lomljena pisava).

Primož Trubar je leta 1550/51 izdal prvi dve slovenski knjigi (Katekizem in Abecednik) v gotici. Pri svojih poznejših delih je uporabljal običajno latinico, ki se mu je zdela preglednejša.

Trubarjev Katekizem v gotici, 1550/51
  1. Dowding, Geoffrey (1962). An introduction to the history of printing types; an illustrated summary of main stages in the development of type design from 1440 up to the present day: an aid to type face identification. Clerkenwell [London]: Wace. str. 5.
  2. »Styles of Handwriting«. Rigsarkivet. The Danish National Archives. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 30. marca 2020. Pridobljeno 26. marca 2017.
  3. Facsimile of Bormann's Memorandum (in German) The memorandum itself is typed in Antiqua, but the NSDAP letterhead is printed in Fraktur. "For general attention, on behalf of the Führer, I make the following announcement: It is wrong to regard or to describe the so-called Gothic script as a German script. In reality, the so-called Gothic script consists of Schwabach Jew letters. Just as they later took control of the newspapers, upon the introduction of printing the Jews residing in Germany took control of the printing presses and thus in Germany the Schwabach Jew letters were forcefully introduced. Today the Führer, talking with Herr Reichsleiter Amann and Herr Book Publisher Adolf Müller, has decided that in the future the Antiqua script is to be described as normal script. All printed materials are to be gradually converted to this normal script. As soon as is feasible in terms of textbooks, only the normal script will be taught in village and state schools. The use of the Schwabach Jew letters by officials will in future cease; appointment certifications for functionaries, street signs, and so forth will in future be produced only in normal script. On behalf of the Führer, Herr Reichsleiter Amann will in future convert those newspapers and periodicals that already have foreign distribution, or whose foreign distribution is desired, to normal script".

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